automatic generation of C++ and Visual Basic wrappers
for C/C++ libraries
downloadable Visual Basic application interfaces
function prototypes for defining functions and procedures
multi-platform server support
multiple concurrent server connections
functions for use in Excel formulas and macros
parameter passing by value or by reference
sequential, parallel and stream execution modes
callback results for user-defined Visual Basic functions
secure permission list for screening out unwanted connections
central repository for source code and version control
client code distribution
configurable audit trails and error logs
private (per user) processes or pooled processes
TCP/IP protocols supported by most networks
dedicated socket connections for secure communications
Operating platforms and compatibility
LibClient runs on Microsoft® Windows®
95, 98, 2000, ME, NT, XP with Microsoft®; Excel
97, 2000, 2002 and Microsoft® Office 97, 2000,
XP. LibServer runs on Microsoft® Windows®
2000, NT, XP; Sun® Solaris; Linux.
(Versions on other UNIX platforms provided on request.)